What Are The Things You Will Learn From Manual Handling Course


In certain workplaces, activities like pulling, pushing, lifting, and carrying are quite commonplace. It is very important to have the Manual Handling course for the employees so that they will stay safe and avoid any sort of injury. Through this training, they will learn the best practice to do such activities to keep the risk at bay.

Why the Manual Handling Training Course is important?

While lifting or carrying something, we are not aware of the damages or risks associated with it. If we follow poor manual handling techniques to lift, carry, push, and pull we may end up in injury often. 

It has been seen that millions of people all over the world suffer from musculoskeletal disorders due to bad posture or poor manual handling techniques. A recent study also revealed that on average the employees suffering from manual handling injury at the workplace take 20 days off annually. 

What is the content of the course material of manual handling training?

  • Manual handling definition: The trainer will clearly explain what is the meaning of manual handling as per the local and national law and why it is important. They review the situation and answer all the queries.
  • Accidents: They overview how many types of accidents take place in the workplace. They also present a statistical view to relate the manual handling with the accident.
  • Anatomy: The trainers will explain the function of different body parts like the spine. Most of the accidents in the workplace involve the spine and muscles. They describe the best working position for the spine that works as the leveler in the body.
  • Back Pain: The real causes of back pain which is the most common symptoms of poor manual handling practice.
  • Regulation for Manual Handling: The team will give an overview of the manual handling regulation that includes the duty of both the employers and employees.
  • Safe Assessment: They will provide demonstrations along with guidelines to assess a loading process safely.
  • Six-point Lift: They will show the right technique of lifting a heavy object by using minimum effort and stress to reduce the scope of injury.
  • Example: They also demonstrate the lifting process practically so that the employees have a clear idea.   


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