While working, sometimes we follow such activities that can cause injuries to our bodies. A few workplaces have the requirements to execute works like lift, carry, lower, push, pull, hold, move and restrain. It is mandatory to have the Manual Handling Training so that everyone will stay away from any type of injuries.
What are the hazardous manual handlings that can cause the injury?
The following activities are identified as hazardous:
  • Repetitive activity
  • The sustained position that is awkward
  • High force and repetitive activity
  • Sustained vibration exposure
  • Handling of animal and people
  • Unbalanced and unstable loads that are challenging to hold
What are the injuries that one can have during manual handling?
There are many risks of injuries while doing certain activities. It is better to have the Manual Handling Training in order to avoid certain circumstances. Following musculoskeletal injuries are common in workplace activities without proper training and guidance.
  • Back injuries
  • Sprains and strains
  • Injuries in soft tissues in arm, wrist, shoulders, legs, and neck
  • Chronic pain
  • Hernias
How to avoid injuries?
The best way to avoid injury in the workplace is by taking the manual handling course. The main part is to know the secret of risk management. If you find that there is the involvement of certain physical activities for which there is not much precaution and risk of injury is high, you have to consult with the department of health and safety to arrange proper training for manual handling.
You have to follow the below-stated steps to make the workplace secure
Step 1: You have to find out the hazards that bring a threat to your health. Keep in mind that not all activities are risky. Things like moving heavy objects without any external support, using jackhammer or tin snips, steering heavy trolley, sitting on the cramped desk and a few.
Step 2: Now you have to assess the risk that may injure you in the future. You have to analyze the force, posture, vibration, movements and the effects of these to increase the risk of injury. If it needs more bending and twisting than normal to pick up the box from the ground then there may be a risk if the work is for a longer period. Apart from that, there are a few environmental factors like cold, heat and light that can increase the risk.
Step 3: You need to undergo the manual handling course to avoid the hazardous condition by controlling the risk factor.


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