What Are The Factors The Manual Handling Training Course Should Include?

With the increasing awareness, almost every owner or manager is arranging the Manual Handling Training for their employees to ensure a safe atmosphere. They must encourage safe practice within the organization in order to uplift the safety and security standard for the staff, vendors and other public as well.
Depending on the industry and nature of work, the necessity of training varies. If you want to know what are the elements that the trainer must include in the course then this factor must be considered.  
What should the Manual Handling Training include in the course?
As per the government rules, there are certain things that the trainers must include in the course for manual handling.
  • Risk factors of manual handling with an analysis of potential causes of injuries
  • With the help of good handling techniques, how they can execute the safe manual handling
  • Encourage the right system and environment of work   
  • Proper use of the mechanical equipment and aid
  • The trainer must go through the practical work to identify the safety issues
It is true that it is very important to train your employees to raise awareness as well as reduce risk but there are a few things that you need to do for your employees. Sometimes, it is not only the training but to check whether they are following the guidelines or not is another important aspect.
The practical execution of the training is also of much importance. The whole section should be monitored along with constant risk assessment and regular reviews of the process of manual handling.
What you should avoid in a manual handling course?
  • Wrong practical: The manual handling practice should be followed in the right way as per the industry. Every work pattern needs to be followed in the time of designing the course.
  • Old and Boring Content: The course content should be up to date that will have current law and legislation. The training must follow the guidelines set by the authorized department of the Government. The content should not be boring but interesting and relevant to the work role.


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