How You Can Lift Heavy Things Without Making Any Manual Handling Injury

In the working place, there are so many responsibilities that you have to execute. However, the main risk of manual handling injury can hamper the health of the employees and the efficiency as well. Many factors like a heavy-duty manual job, repetitive arm, leg and back movements, and awkward posture. To avoid this, the Manual Handling Training Courses are important to safeguard the employees who are the asset of any organization.
It is better to avoid such activities as much possible. In case, you have to go through physical labor, then it is very important to go through the Manual Handling Training Courses that will ensure workplace safety. It is also important if you have a sitting job only as the training will correct the posture to make it better.
While lifting any heavy object you need to keep in mind the following things:
  • Remember the individual capability to handle the load and never go beyond that.
  • The nature of the load should be considered
  • The condition of the environment you are working
  • Whether you have manual training
  • The organization you are working for
When you have to lift something manually, here are the tips to avoid:
  • You need to reduce the number of twisting; stooping and reaching so that the scope of injury also lessens.
  • Never lift anything above of the height of the shoulder, especially when you are talking about heavy loads
  • It is better to adjust the storage area so that you can minimize the requirement for the movements
  • Check all the possibilities to minimize the distance for carrying the object
  • You have to check whether the load can be broken down to the smaller parts that will be easy to carry
  • Another important point of the Manual Handling Training Courses is removing the obstructions from the route.
  • You can place a table in between the way if the carrying route is long.
  • While holding, keep the heaviest part of the load close to your body.
  • Your feet should be apart and one foot forward while holding the load.


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