Every Employer Must Know The Risk Factors For Manual Handling Injuries

When employees are working in your company for the ultimate benefit of your finance, then you must take care of their safety and security. In many companies, people need to pick up or push items to move them from one place to another. It is a very responsible step to arrange the Manual Handling Training for your staff so that they will be aware of the best way to pick up the load without harming back or more precisely the spinal cord. Here are the four risk factors that will lead to manual handling injuries: 1. The Load: The workers have to expose themselves to different types of activities with the loads like lifting, pushing, pulling or carrying. In case the load of the object is too heavy for the worker, then there is a high risk that it will cause an injury. Along with that if the shape of the object cannot help in gripping, it will be very difficult for them to carry. 2. The nature of work: There are many factors like duration and frequency of the work th...