Things You Should Know Before Applying For DVA

The government of Australia has recognized the contribution of the war veterans and provided some facilities especially for them. The process of applying for the DVA (Department of Veteran Affairs) is quite complex and there is involvement of lots of red-tape paperwork that will take immense time. However, the DVA Provider Perth provides a great help the people by training them to work for the DVA rehabilitation centers.
Let’s take a look at the DVA course module and other details if you want to take it in the future.
The Objective of Module:
  • Learn to identify the whole-of-person rehabilitation philosophy of DVA
  • Locating of the CLIK or Rehabilitation Policy Library and legislation for DVA
  • Identifying the Goal Attainment Scaling
After the completion of the course and getting approval from the DVA Provider Perth, you will be eligible to work with the rehabilitation centers.
Prerequisite for the course:
This e-learning course needs some basic requirements so that the service provider will understand every single feature of it. They need to have:
  • Understanding of the military experience
  • Online rehabilitation facility
  • Non-liability healthcare
You can complete the module in around 15 minutes.
Course materials:
All of the DVA Provider Perth refers to CLICK as the source of all rehabilitation reference materials. You can visit the website to get quick access to all the necessary information from one source. CLIK or Consolidated Library of Information and knowledge has legislative, reference materials and policy that have been used by the DVA staffs for providing better services to the registered clients of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs.
What are the attributes of the DVA Rehabilitation program?
  • The rehabilitation program of DVA has a whole-of-person and holistic focus.
  • Most of the clients have multiple and complex injuries as a result of their work profiles and training.
  • To become the DVA clients, they need to be a former member of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
  • As per the requirement of the client, the DVA program can extend from a few months to years to get a result.
  • You have to work mutually with the other trainers of DVA clients.


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