Things You Should Know Before Becoming A NDIS Provider In Australia

There are many people who find solace while helping the people in distress. The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a great boon for them and for the family with a disabled member as well. Through this scheme, both the deprived and provider have to register under NDIS which is administrated by the National Disability Insurance Agency of Australia. Presently the program is based on location and it will be fully rolled on by 1st July 2020. For example, if you are residing in Perth, you have to register under NDIS Provider Perth only to do the job under government funding. If you want to register yourself as the provider, then here are the following steps.

Registering As NDIS Provider Perth: 

The Department of Communities (Disability Services) in WA takes care of the service quality of the NDIS provider along with ensuring the fulfillment of State quality and safeguarding essential. To register under this particular department, you have to submit an application to the Disability Services Panel Provider (DSPP). You have to download the DSPP application form from the Tender WA website. They will be updated about the notification and current information throughout the application process.

How the Quality Standard is maintained on the DSPP (Disability Service Provider Panel)?

The National Standards for Disability Services or NSDS handles the Quality System in the WA to promote a nation-wide consistent approach to improve and maintain the quality of the services for disability.

Before the assessment of the application, it is requested to submit the evidence of the conformity with relevant qualification. The NDIS Provider Perth suggests to submit evidence only for the relevant services the applicant is interested.

What are the categories of the categories the service provider can apply?

There are mainly three categories on which the NDIS Provider Perth can apply.

Category 1: Products and General Supports -  Under this category, the provider can only supply aids, equipment, maintenance along with general supports. The Specialized Disability  Accommodation also come under this category.
Category 2: Allied Health - This category is for the qualified health professionals who can provide the help to the Support Cluster 8A and 8B.

Category 3: Full Service - All the other applicants like the sole providers and allied health professional can deliver services to Cluster 8 and Cluster 7 which includes Early Intervention Support, Positive Behavior Supports etc.

It is advisable for the applicants to participate in an IQA (Independent Quality Assessment) to ensure all the required qualification for the registration.         


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