Simple Remedies For Urinary Bladder Incontinence Among Seniors

Does your aged father tend to leak urine whenever he coughs? Does your grandmother feel embarrassed because she often wets her bed? Basically, all these are instances of urinary bladder incontinence.

If you are finding it overwhelming to deal with this, let us tell you that urinary bladder incontinence is a problem in every third senior. The experts giving Home Disability Services suggest that the problem is even more frequent among bedridden seniors who suffer from mobility issues.
However, there are some handy tips on handling with this issue effectively. Check them out!

Encourage pelvic muscle exercise

Urinary bladder incontinence is often caused during old age due to natural loosening of the pelvic muscles.  Thus, you can help a senior dealing with such a problem by encouraging them to do exercises that specifically strengthen the muscles of the pelvic region.

Time scheduling

Scheduling a urine time is an age old practice that works effectively for adults as well as children.

In this  context, it needs to be kept in mind that filled up bladder always exerts pressure on the loose pelvic muscles and cause leaking out of the bladder due to the inability of seniors to hold back urine for a long time.

Hence, the purpose of this practice of urine scheduling in old age is to ensure that the urinary bladder is never full.  For this, a time schedule has to be made for taking the senior to the bathroom at a regular interval of thirty to forty-five minutes.

Easing constipation 

Constipation is a very common complication during old age. You will be surprised to know that constipation often leads to urinary bladder leakage.

Basically, seniors suffering from constipation often attempt to excrete forcibly. This simultaneously exerts pressure on the urinary bladder and leads to bladder leakage.

This problem could be effectively tackled by bringing some changes in the pattern of regular meals.  The seniors should be encouraged to eat food stuffs that are rich in dietary fibers.  Thus, items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, leafy greens, sprouts, unrefined flour and cereals should be consumed daily in order to ease constipation and simultaneously overcome urinary bladder incontinence. 


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